Our story, journey and vision.

Our Journey…

Although VEUcan was founded in 2011, the concept of promoting awareness of disability to educational institutions and the like was conceived back in Nath’s school days. This is the journey that Nath took to make what once was a mere concept into reality that sees him travel the country spreading the word about disability.

We asked Nath to come in and talk to our Year 9 students as part of our PSHE programme looking at discrimination and prejudice. I wasn't sure how the students would react but they were really gripped by his presentation. Many of them were struck by the things they had in common - such as a liking of the Xbox - but also inspired by how much Nath has achieved despite the extra obstacles he has had to overcome.
I will definitely be inviting Nath back next year.
Sally - Chipping Sodbury School

©VEUcan 2011 - 2024